Diet for PCOS: Be Dietocious

A Diet plan for PCOS

A healthy diet for woman is the key of wellness both inside and outside. Always remember, a well-balanced diet is not just for weight loss but it can also be a way to retain your health and beauty.

The healthy food that we eat is a source of vitamins and minerals that are essential for better overall health, beautiful skin and hairs wellness. So when you are looking for a diet chart, you must know that it will be an advantage for fixing hormonal, metabolic and beauty issues.

Instead of eating foods that have very little nutritional value and following unsuitable diet plans, it is wise to choose diet food plans that are both suitable and manageable. Below, we have provided a month-long weight loss diet charts recommended by experts. These charts are curated for Indians.

  • Early morning: 1 fruit of your choice + 3-4 mixed seeds such as watermelon, flax, and sesame.
  • Breakfast: Open paneer sandwich with mint chutney / 2 idlis with sambhar / Akki roti with dill leaves and sambhar / 2 egg omelette with 2 whole grain bread slices / 2 multigrain mixed vegetable parathas + 1 glass of vegetable juice of your choice.
  • Mid-morning: 4 walnuts and 2 dates / Fruit of your choice/tender coconut water with malai
  • Pre-lunch: 1 plate of preferred salad with vinegar dressing.
  • Lunch: 2 multigrain roti / 1 Katori red or brown rice + 1 bowl dal / pulses like rajma / Egg bhurji / non-veg subji + 1 bowl low-fat curd
  • Mid-evening: 1 glass of tea or coffee / 1 glass buttermilk
  • Snack: 1 fruit of your choice / 1 glass whey protein drink /1 bowl Sprouts bhel
  • Dinner: 1 bowl chicken gravy + 1 bowl rice / 2 multigrain rotis + salad + 1 bowl low-fat curd / 1 bowl vegetable dalia upma or 1 bowl millet vegetable upma + 1 bowl sambhar + 1 bowl of salad or soup
  • Check your BMI
  • Post-dinner (if you are up late): 4-5 pieces of nuts/ 1 glass warm low-fat milk

  • Early morning: 10 ml wheatgrass juice + 5 to 6 almonds and walnuts
  • Breakfast: 2 medium vegetable uthappam with sambhar / 1 bowl vegetable dalia upma + chutney / 2 medium paneer, oats and ragi dosa with sambhar / 1 bowl fruit, flaxseed and oats porridge / 1 bowl red rice or brown rice pulse-mixed pongal + 1 bowl sambhar / 1 sprouted red rice poha + 1 glass vegetable juice of choice
  • Mid-morning: 1 glass Whey protein shake with milk / assorted fruit platter / Trail mix/Tender coconut juice with the malai.
  • Pre-lunch: 1 bowl minestrone soup with more veggies and less of pasta.
  • Lunch: 2 multigrain roti + 1 bowl vegetable subji / non-veg subji + 1 bowl boiled pulse chaat (rajma, chana, black chana, green moong etc) / 1 bowl red or brown rice + 1 bowl mixed vegetable subji + 1 vegetable egg omlette.
  • Snack: 2 multigrain flour khakras / 1 fruit of your choice + 1 cup green tea / Trail mix with mixed seeds.
  • Dinner: 1 bowl vegetable brown rice basmati chicken biryani/ vegetable pulao + 1 bowl vegetable raita + 1 bowl vegetable or chicken salad of choice / 1 bowl steamed red rice + 1 bowl mixed vegetable sambhar + 1 bowl non-veg / vegetable subji + 1 bowl salad of choice / 2 multigrain roti + 1 bowl mixed spiced dals / fish curry + 1 bowl curd.
  • Post-dinner (if you are up late): 1 glass of whey protein shake if missed during snack or simply a glass of warm milk.

  • Early morning: 10 Spirulina or green leafy veggie juice + 1 fruit of your choice
  • Breakfast: 1 bowl vegetable sprout poha with chutney / 3-4 dal paddu with sambhar / 2 oats idli + sambhar / 2 methi parantha with low-fat curd / 2 mixed vegetable adai uttapams + 1 bowl mixed veg sambhar.
  • Mid-morning: 1 fruit of your choice/fistful of Assorted nuts / 2 tbsp of trail mix
  • Pre-lunch: 1 bowl sprout salad of choice / 1 bowl mixed veggies chunky soup.
  • Lunch: 2 multigrain roti + 1 bowl veg or non-veg (seafood, fish, chicken) subji of choice + 1 bowl of thick dal / 1 bowl red rice + 1 bowl mixed vegetable sambhar + 1 bowl subji + 1 bowl low-fat curd
  • Snack: Til or peanut chikki with 1 cup spirulina and mixed veggie juice.
  • Dinner: 1 bowl fruit and veggie mixed salad of choice + 2 bran rotis (wheat roti or oat bran) + 1 bowl of non-veg subji / 1 bowl red rice or brown rice + 1 bowl dal + 1 bowl curd
  • Post-dinner (if you are up late): 1 glass of whey protein shake

  • Early morning: 10 ml Amla juice + 3-4 walnuts and almonds mix.
  • Breakfast: 2 medium dal paranthas (made from leftover dal if any) + 1 bowl low-fat curd / 2 Ragi veggies paddus with peanut chutney / 2 small and fluffy vegetable pancakes / 2 paranthas + 1 bowl vegetables raita / Paneer and vegetable rice bath (from leftover rice) + 1 bowl curd / 2 idlis with sambhar
  • Mid-morning: Amaranth seeds chikki / 3-4 dry fruits / 1 bowl cut fresh fruits of choice
  • Pre-lunch: 1 bowl sprout salad / 1 bowl grilled chicken or fish salad
  • Lunch: 1 bowl millet and dal khichdi + 1 bowl mixed vegetable kadhai / 2 multigrain roti + 1 bowl non-veg subji or egg bhurji +1 glass of spiced buttermilk / 2 vegetable millet uttapams + 1 bowl sambhar.
  • Snack: 1 cup spiced boiled corn or 1 corn on the cob + 1 cup coffee, tea or green tea/ 1 Fruit of choice / 1 glass whey protein drink
  • Dinner: 1 bowl vegetable and mixed seeds salad + 2 multigrain roti + 1 non-veg subji or dal of your choice / 1 bowl red or brown rice + 1 bowl mix veg sambhar + 1 egg bhurji.
  • Post-dinner (if you are up late): 1 glass warm milk
*Disclaimer: This is a general diet plan and should not be confused for a specific weight loss recommendation for people with complex health conditions. We suggest you visit a nutritionist for in-depth health analysis and a weight loss plan. Everyone differs in terms of their metabolism and hence may react differently to this diet too.

Weight loss tips to consider while following the diet chart

  • Superfoods are the biggest key to quick and healthy weight loss. Superfoods are nothing but regular foods that have concentrated with nutrients. They could be millets, seeds, certain grass varieties or even fiber-rich foods. Consume them in measured amounts every day and see your weight melting.
  • Always drink enough water. Many times thirst is masked as hunger. So when you are hungry, try drinking water first. It is a proven natural way to fill up the stomach and preventing yourself from gorging later.
  • Always preclude lunch with salads or chewy soups. You will be tempted to eat less rice or roti or whatever is for lunch.
  • Ensure all your meals have a protein source. If any meal is lacking in it, throw in an egg or dal to ensure protein.
  • One day in the week can be designated as a cheat day. It will help you to manage cravings and get back on your Indian diet chart for weight loss.
  • On a cheat day, do not overindulge on sweets or fried items. If you feel like it, have a small bite-sized portion to simply curb the craving.
  • Never at any point during the diet, starve yourself. There is evidence that starvation, in fact, leads to overeating.
  • Remember, the short-term goal is not going to yield results. Hence, always focus on clean, healthy eating that promotes weight loss and at the same time can be adopted throughout your life.

Indian food and drinks linked with weight loss

If losing weight is your primary goal, then you should cut down on junk, processed food, sugary beverages, and unhealthy fats.

Indian cuisine is undoubtedly delicious. But we cannot ignore the fact that some foods are laden with grease, sweet and butter. The good news is, there are plenty of dishes that are low in calories and full of proteins.

Here are some of the weight loss foods you can eat without feeling guilty

  1. Tandoori Chicken
    One of the most familiar Indian dishes, it’s red and charred. All the goodness of the fat comes from the meat and marinade and not from oils and unhealthy fats. They are a good source of protein and will aid you in weight loss.
  2. Rajma
    A North India dish made of red kidney beans in thick gravy with a healthy amount of herbs and spices. Serve it with hot chapatis and your taste buds will dance with joy.
  3. Buttermilk
    Despite the name, we presume it is high in fat but buttermilk generally holds no butter and is actually low in fat.

    Preparing buttermilk from low-fat milk contains 15-20 calories /100 ml. Savor this delicious treat to keep your body hydrated and active.

  4. Idli
    South India’s staple breakfast is a best diet for weight loss. Since idli is steamed and not fried, it is not laden with many calories. Idli is also good for the gut and digestion. If you want to cut down on carbs, you can also opt for healthier alternatives like ragi or millet idli.
  5. Bhindi (Okra) Curry
    This simple dish tastes great with hot rotis and is a perfect meal for vegetarians. You can have this for dinner or lunch and it will not only satisfy your hunger but will also help you with weight loss.

    When included alongside healthy eating, certain beverages are more effective than others promoting weight loss.

Below are some healthy drinks to include in your diet if you want to lose weight.

  1. Green Tea
    This tea is a favorite among health gurus. Green tea is packed with antioxidants and other powerful nutrients. It is also known to burn fat efficiently.
  2. Black Coffee
    Black Coffee is used by people to boost energy and lift the mood. It contains caffeine which acts as a stimulant in the body and promotes weight loss.
  3. Black Tea
    Just like green tea, black tea also has compounds which help in weight loss.

    Black tea is high in polyphenols called flavonoids, a powerful antioxidant which helps in weight loss.

  4. Water
    Water is simply the best beverage anyone can drink. It is the simplest way to improve overall health! Drinking plenty of water will benefit your waistline and keep you full in between meals. It will also increase the number of calories you burn.
  5. Apple Cider Vinegar
    ACV contains acetic acid, a compound which promotes weight loss by decreasing the insulin levels, improves metabolism, suppresses the appetite and burn fat.

Unhealthy Indian snacks to avoid

Indian snacks are creamy, sugary and so delicious that thinking about them makes us salivate but if you are serious about losing weight, then there are some snacks which you need to avoid.

  • Vada Pav
    Loved by all Mumbaikars and the rest of India, Vada Pav is easily accessible and tasty, but really unhealthy. A single Vada Pav can have as many as 286 calories.
  • Parathas
    They are favorites of North India. Stuffed with creamy potatoes and pan-fried, they make the perfect food but aren’t good for the body. The addition of butter makes it fatty and unhealthy.
  • Toast Butter
    Being a quick breakfast dish, toast butter isn’t a typical Indian dish but loved by the entire country. However, toast butter has no nutritional value. The white bread is full of maida and butter which is packaged, contains extra salt, colour, and preservatives.
  • Puri Bhaji
    Puri Bhaji is extremely unhealthy as they are fried and potatoes aren’t the best vegetables to eat in the morning.